






Born a crime (4)

In Germany, no child finishes high school wihtout learning about the holocaust. Not just the facts of it, but the how and the why and the gravity of it --- what it means. As a result, Germans grow up appropriately aware and apologetic. British schools treat colonialism the same way, to an extent. Their children are taught the history of the empire with a kind of disclaimer haning over the whole thing. "Well, that was shameful, now wasn't it?"

读到这一段的时候我想起我刚到英国的一件事。我工作的学校和大英博物馆比邻。刚到伦敦的时候我几乎每天午饭之后都去大英博物馆溜达一圈,从我的办公室走到大英博物馆的后门只有不到三分钟。第一次开group meeting的时候,每个人分享最近在做的工作。我刚到,还什么都没开始,所以就讲我到英国之后的日常,有哪些新鲜感受。说到经常去大英博物馆,非常impressed,而且这么好的博物馆居然是免费的时候,大头问我,“你看到那么多全世界的宝贝都运到英国来,你不觉得愤怒吗?”我当时真的呆住了,不知道怎么回答。然后大头自己说,“大英博物馆当然应该是免费的,里面的东西都是我们的祖先从别人那里偷来的、抢来的,没有还给人家就已经不对了,怎么还能收钱呢?我们只是负责保存而已。”



Born a crime (3)

We spend so much time being afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. But regret is the thing we should fear most. Failure is an answer. Rejection is an answer. Regret is an eternal question you will never have the answer to.


Born a crime (2)

I was everywhere with everybody, and at the same time I was all by myself.


Born a crime (1)

The genius of apartheid was convincing people who were the overwhelming majority to turn on each other. Apart hate, is what it was. You separate people into groups and make them hate one another so you can urn them all.

At the time, black South Africans outnumbered white South Africans nearly five to one, yet we were divided into different tribes with different languages: Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, Sotho, Venda, Ndebele, Tsonga, Pedi, and more. Long before apartheid existed these tribal factions clashed and warred with one another. Then white rule used that animosity to divide and conquer. All nonwhites were systematically classified into various groups and subgroups. Then these groups were given differing levels of rights and privileges in order to keep them at odds.


That's what apartheid did: it convinced every group that it was because of the other race that they ddin't get inot the club. It's basically the bouncer at the door telling  you, "we can't let you in because of your friend Darren and his ugly shoes." So you look at Darren and say, "Screw you, Balck Darren. You're holding me back." Then when Darren goes up, the bouncer says, "No, it's actually your friend Sizwe and his weird hair." So Darren says, "Screw you, Sizwe," and now everyone hates everyone. But the truth is that none of you were ever getting into that club.